Being Happy - The Best Medicine

3 min readFeb 20, 2021

Happiness, this word is the most common word that we keep on hearing from the people around us. We all are always complaining that why so and so the problem is with us only, why we are not happy, there is nothing going right with me, etc, etc… These are the common questions that come into every mind every single day. Have you ever wondered what actually happiness is? Is happiness that feeling when you make someone jealous? Is happiness that feeling when someone touches you? Is happiness that feeling when you get something? No, this is not what happiness is.

Happiness is the feeling, the realization, the truth that we cannot change. The truth that you are alive, the feeling that you have someone who loves you, the realization that you have your parents, to whom you can trust blindly, the truth that they can give up their life for you. This universal truth can not be changed that you have your body, you are alive, you can breathe, you can see, you can smell, you can do whatever you wish. These are the biggest and real happiness of our life.

You must be thinking that these lines cannot be kept in mind forever, but my dear friend this is possible. It is possible to keep all these feelings and these points in your mind to be happy forever. So, let's get a bit deeper to understand the real concept.

For few minutes after reading this article, close your eyes, feel the silence around you and touch yourself, touch your hands, feel yourself, feel that you can see, you can smell, you can feel what’s going around you, you can breathe and you are alive. Automatically there will be a smile on your face and that's, not a pleasure. It will be happiness, you will be able to feel that. The same way thinks once that you have your parents, your sister, your brother for you, with you and will always be with you under any circumstances. That feeling you will have is happiness and that is a universal truth that you are alive, you have the most precious people around you.

In this hard time when people are losing their lives, losing their loved ones, facing lots of problems, you are alive. Isn’t it a miracle? Isn’t it the most beautiful thing? Just try to feel this and that will be the happiness, real happiness, that can never be a lie.

We say that we cannot be happy always but this is not the truth. We need to understand the things that make us really feel happy. We have thousands of good things happening around us, happening with us but we don’t focus on that we just focus on that little problem that is to be neglected, and we keep on worrying about that, we ignore that happiness. How big fool are we? We have a good life today and might be possible that there must be something missing, that would be just negligible but we keep on thinking about that negligible thing. Can’t we be happy for the good things? Just think about it once and try to be happy and try to feel the good things around you. Happiness is the most powerful thing that can cure any disease, can solve any problem so, be happy, feel the happiness, feel the true happiness around you that you are alive, you have your loved ones with you and trust me this will be the best feeling ever because happiness is the best medicine.




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