10 Rules for Happy and Successful Life

4 min readMar 21, 2021

We always feel that we are lost somewhere, we need guidance and we feel that most often but unfortunately we expect those things from others that we can do on our own. When we can do things on our own, we can make our life a happy one on our own then why we need guidance from others. So, lets’s look at 10 rules which if you understand once then you don’t need someone else to make you understand and guide you for living a blissful life.

  1. Life is so unpredictable and uncertain, you never know what’s next. So, live the moment you are in now don’t let it go just because of fear of tomorrow, as you never know what tomorrow gives you. Suppose you have a wonderful chance to live the moment you are in now but because of tomorrow you are letting this moment, this chance go away then don’t you think that you will regret it? Isn’t it a small step to make a better tomorrow? Don’t let this very moment pass away, just live it and enjoy it as it will not come back again. Make your present a memorable one.
  2. All of us do mistakes in our life, we fight with our family, friends, our loved ones and at that time we think we are right, we don’t accept our mistakes but as time passes we get to know that we are wrong. Same with the people around us who say that they care for you, but the reality of those people comes in front of you with time. Time is the most powerful thing in this world, it will show you the reality one day, the reality that who is wrong and who is right. It has the power to show the real face of people. So, time will show the reality of everyone. Just wait for the right time to come.
  3. We face thousands of situations every day, some are good and some are hard. We enjoy the good one but we feel dishearted for the hard one. Why? We should always keep in mind that it will end someday, you will get a good time in your life again. As the night doesn’t last for long, it is overtaken by the day when the sun shines. So, face the hard times, don't run away. There is a new day waiting for you with a lot of enjoyment and you just need to cross these hurdles not by running away, but by facing it as life is not so easy we have to see both the times and enjoy both of them, hard times with a hope of better tomorrow, experiencing something new and good time with your loved ones.
  4. How I will come out of this situation? I cannot live anymore, I am tired of these problems in my life, I have lost this thing, I don’t have this, how can I be happy? These statements come across your mind when we are facing some problems in our life or we don’t have something or someone whom we need. Isn’t it? Just think once of those people who don’t have food to eat, a shelter to live or who come from a lower-class family who are not economically well. They don’t have a luxury life at all, still, they are happy, enjoying their life they have. Aren’t they alive? So, whenever such things come across your mind that I am the only one, how will I survive now? then just imagine of those people who have very low income, your problems will automatically disappear. Try to be happy with what you have.
  5. People are dying every day, losing their loved ones, meeting accidents every day and if you are reading these lines then you are alive my dear. Isn’t it a miracle? Enjoy the beautiful life you have, be thankful for the things, the people you have in your life.
  6. Passing by different situations of life, facing ups and downs, dealing with them. Aren’t these the experiences that are adding up in the journey of your life? Experiences are important and valuable so, keep experiencing twists and turns as with these you are filling the diary of your life with new stuffs to share with your loved ones and once you look back, you will rejoice in the journey you had.
  7. We compare our life with others but we forget one thing that there is always something special that God has made for each one of us. So, just wait for your special part, don’t compare, be happy with what you have, and feel special.
  8. We ignore the good things we have and keep worrying about small, silly things. Why we act as stupids? You are not unlucky for just one thing which is negligible, you are just making unusual things your priority and once you change your priorities, you will be happy for those whom you are blessed with.
  9. Why worry for those who don’t care for you? Why waste your tears for those who don’t see it? Stop wasting your precious time, your efforts on those who don’t value them. Always remember you lose your self-respect when you waste yourself on such people who don’t care for you and self-respect should be the priority.
  10. Don’t expect anything from people, be self-dependent, live your dreams, and don’t expect someone else to make your dreams true. Don’t you have the caliber to achieve your goals? Why you need someone to be happy? Can’t you be happy being with yourself? You have that strength my dear, but you ignore it. Always remember everyone has come alone on this earth and will go alone. So, be with yourself. You cannot be happy if you expect from others as they will always leave you hurt. You can live your dreams, touch the sky, being happy, and for making these all true you don’t need someone else, you are enough.

